Wednesday 3 October 2018

Our tomorrows: teenagers around the world share their fears and dreams


  1. The following video is about teenagers. They are all from different countries and they share their fears, dreams and problems. Some teenagers afraid of being not mentioned or to have too much attention. The other one want to became good education. And they biggest fear are to fall an exams. I know this feeling.
    So I like this video. It is very interesting and make us think about our fears and dreams.

  2. This video tells us about the problems young people face every day. Every teenager has his own goals, dreams and fears. The video shows us young people in different countries and we see that their fears are similar. Some want to be understood, others just want to express themselves. They talk about the frames in which they are inserted by adults and society. These teenagers want to change the world and they try to do it.
    I liked this video and I think that everyone will find something for themselves here.

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  4. Well, watching this video, you realise there're quite a lot of people around the world who live much worse than you. People, countries, societies and communities, all of these are different, and teenagers who live in various parts of the planet have different problems, but there'is something common among all of them - it's a faith in their bright future that everything bad is to change and they'll be those who bring change to the life. Moreover, I'd like to comment that video has been shot really well and sound tracks has been chosen perfectly.

  5. The video shows hadrships and fears of the whole world's teenagers. They're different in age, they have their own goals from passing exams and changing their community life to standing for what is illegal in the country and just fighting for their spot in there. Inspite of all of that staff, they don't give up, but continue trying even more harder until they realize their dreams. To my opinion, after watching it, you begin to believe that everything is possible, and you should value all that you take for granted, so I;m fond of the video.

  6. This video describes us the lives of teenagers from different countries. A teenager's life is very complicated. This is a difficult age in which you should expect a lot of problems. They are very hard to cope alone. Most adults say that a teenager's life is easy because they live in their parents ' house, where they are financially supported. But this is not so, because in addition, teenagers have a lot of difficulties.
    I find it very relevant.Clearly there are a lot of problems in teenagers’ lives. However, there are some wonderful moments that can happen only when you are young and the video proved it to us! :)

  7. This video talks about the problem of young people, that they want to change their lives and want a better future. Everyone has his own dream, his own goal and his own views on life. We must strive for the best and not stop there. We must improve ourselves.

  8. this video talks about the problems of adolescents, each teen has his own problems and despite the fact that they are all from different countries with their own different problems, they all have something that unites them and does not allow them to despair, it all gives an incentive to a brighter future, they believe that things will change for the better. what I want to mention is that in spite of all the problems surrounding adolescents you cannot be upset, because these are really little things in life and as long as you have parents you are really happy and carefree person, and everything else is nonsense more serious, and to suffer because of the little things at such a young age is rather silly

  9. This video tells us about adolescents and their problems. We see that, regardless of age, everyone faces difficulties. So in adolescence for someone in life, the main thing is to hang out with friends, for someone - to study. Many people mistakenly believe that When you are young it’s cool, because your parents provide you, but I think that,it is not. It is at this age that children need more psychological support , especially from parents, because they are very vulnerable or rude, many do not want to see themselves like they are

  10. The following video is about problems of teenagers. Each from this video is from different coutries, but many of them have a lot of similar traubles e.x they all dream about bright future. The life of a teenager can be complicated sometimes. It is a difficult age and there are many problems on the way of becoming adults. For example, the choice of free-time activities, the choice of future profession, dealing with the first love and so on. In that moment of life teenagers need support of parent


Angelina Jolie receives the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the 2013 Governors Awards

  Watch the interview and answer the question: What problem does Angelina raise in her acceptance speech?