Gender-fluid: (a) (in early use) not clearly or wholly male or female; androgynous; (b) designating a person who does not identify with a single fixed gender; of or relating to a person having or expressing a fluid or unfixed gender identity (now the usual sense).
Clicktivism: The practice of signaling support for a political or social cause by means of the Internet, through social media, online petitions, etc., rather than by more substantive involvement.
Bracketology: The activity of predicting the participating teams in a tournament (typically the NCAA basketball tournament) and the winners of the competition’s stages, as depicted in a diagram representing the sequence of matches.
Moobs: Unusually prominent breasts on a man (likened to those of a woman), typically as a result of excess pectoral fat.
YOLO: ‘You only live once’; used to express the view that one should make the most of the present moment without worrying about the future (often as a rationale for impulsive or reckless behaviour).
'Merica: America. Note: Originally and chiefly in representations of nonstandard speech. Now frequently also in ironic or self-conscious use, emphasizing emblematic or stereotypical qualities of American traditions, institutions and national ideals.
Freemium: A business model, especially on the Internet, whereby basic services are provided free of charge while more advanced features must be paid for.
Non-apology: A statement that takes the form of an apology but does not acknowledge responsibility or express regret for what has caused offence or upset; an insincere or unconvincing apology.
Yoda: A person who embodies the characteristics of Yoda, esp. in being wise; an elder, sage or guru.
Squee: Representing a high-pitched squealing or squeaking sound produced by an animal, musical instrument, etc.
(Definitions according to the Oxford English Dictionary)
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