Here's a list of words you can use instead of very.
1. furious – very angry
Michael was furious when he found out someone hit his car.2. awful – very bad
The garbage can smells awful! Take it out.
3. adorable – very cute
That's an adorable puppy!
4. gorgeous – very beautiful
Sarah wore a gorgeous red dress to the party.
5. comprehensive – very complete
He gave a comprehensive report on the project.
6. swamped – very busy
I'm swamped with work for months.7. effortless – very easy
We went on an effortless hike to the waterfalls.8. massive – very big
The sun is a massive star that measures 1,392,000 kilometers in diameter.9. perilous – very dangerous
Mount Everest is a perilous mountain to climb.10. filthy – very dirty
Change your shirt. It's filthy!11. ecstatic – very happy
Paul was ecstatic to find out that his wife was pregnant.12. obese – very fat
At 140 kilos, Bryant was an obese man.13. exhilarating – very exciting
Running can be an exhilarating experience.14. crucial – very important
Exercise is crucial for maintaining good health.15. wealthy – very rich
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is a wealthy man.
For more words, check out this 128-word list. Practice using the words in a sentence!
Make up 5 sentences with the words from the list and post them in the commentary section.